🇭🇷Privatni sati tango argentino i induvidualna plesna poduka argentinskog tanga. 🇺🇸🇬🇧Private tango argentino classes and induvidual argentine tango dance lessons Privatni ili inidividualni sati korisničke članarine:

🇭🇷Privatni sati tango argentino i induvidualna plesna poduka argentinskog tanga 

🔥Privatni plesna poduka tango argentino s Jelenom Somogyi uz 15%, srijedom u blizini Kvaternikov trga. 

#privatnaplesnapodukatango #vrucaplesnaponuda #jelenasomogyi #tangotecher #tangomaestra

Izaberite termine, dinamiku i dodatne sadržaje (PokreTTango, Stretch-tango) na zatvorenom (dvije lokacije), otvorenom i/ili online. Uz nas imate dvostruki pogled maestre i maestra te iskustvo s četiri strane iz plesa argentinskog tanga (follwer - leader 2x, leader - follower 2x). Izaberite svoj broj termina ili zakupite paket od 4 termina koji je povoljniji od jednog termina. 

Jedno od s čime se ističemo trajanje je termina privatne plesne poduke tango argentino od 90 minuta s jednom/nim maestrom. Nitko od nas maestra ne bi bio sretniji da traje 45 minuta. Iskustvo je pokazalo kako u 45 minuta osim vokabularne komunikacije (ronda, cabeceo, glazba, povijest ...) i plesne komunikacije često je nedostatak uvježbavanja i utvrđivanja naučenog stoga tu smo uključili i praksu. 

Uz individualnu plesnu poduku argentinskog tanga se možete ukiljučiti i u grupne programe tango argentino kod nas ili prisustvovati praktikama, praktikolongama i milongama. Grupni programi tango argentina omogućiti će vam lakše uključivanje u svijet argentinskog tanga kao plesa, glazbe te izgovorene i pisane riječ kao i društevnog fenomena. Uključivanjem u tango argentino svijet potvrditi, oblikovati i nadograditi ćete mišljena o toj vještini, kao i vašem znanju te mogućnostima. Vi ste ti koji jačate tango zajednicu i otvarate njena vrata. 

Privatni i individualni sati/termini argentinskog tanga

Bez obzira na iskustvo, na privatnim satima je učenje i usavršavanje maksimalno prilagođeno vama! Prijave za privatne sate otvorene su stalno. LOKACIJE - Svoj privatni termin možete dogovoriti na lokaciji Kvaternikov trg ili Ante Kovačića 4 u Zagrebu ovisno o raspoloživosti termina. Možete dogovoriti u svom gradu ili prostoru plesne sate i programe. Prijave i informacije na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+385 98 950 2738, ili putem kontakt obrasca na internetskoj stranici.   

- privatni 60 min za par uz par maestra, maestra i maestro 60 EUR.
- privatni 90 min za par uz jednog maestra/e 50 EUR.

- privatni 60 min za jednu osobu uz par maestra, maestra i maestre 45 EUR.
- privatni 90 min za jednu osobu uz jednog maestra/e 40 EUR.

- privatni 4 x 60 min za par uz par maestra, maestre i maestra 240 EUR.
- privatni 4 x 90 min za par uz jednog maestra/e 160 EUR.

- privatni 4 x 60 min za jednu osobu uz par maestra, maestra i maestre 160 EUR.

- privatni 4 x 90 min za jednu osobu uz jednog maestra/e 130 EUR.
Možemo složiti različite kombinacije programa samo za Vas.

🇬🇧🇺🇸 Private tango argentino classes and induvidual argentine tango dance lessons

🔥Private dance lessons tango argentino with Jelena Somogyi 15% on Wednesday near Kvaternikov Square. 


Choose terms, dynamics, and additional content (PokreTTango, Stretch-tango) indoors (two locations), open and/or online. With us you have a double view of the maestra and maestro and a four-sided experience from the dance of the Tango Argentino (follwer - leader 2x, leader - follower 2x). Choose your appointment number or a 4-term package that is more favourable than one term. 

One of the things we stand out with is the duration of the term of private dance lesson tango argentino is 90 minutes with one of maestros. None of us maestros would be happier if it lasted 45 minutes. Experience has shown that in 45 minutes in addition to vocabulary communication (ronda, cabeceo, music, history ...) and dance communication, there is often a lack of training and determination of what has been learned, so we have included the practice there.

In addition to the individual dance lessons of the Argentine tango, you can also join the group programs tango argentino with us or attend practica, praktikolonga and milonga. Tango Argentina group programs will make it easier for you to engage in the world of the Argentine tango as a dance, music and spoken and written word as well as a social phenomenon. By joining the tango Argentine world, you will confirm, shape and upgrade your opinions about this skill, as well as your knowledge and capabilities. It's you who strengthen the tango community and open its doors. 


Private and individual hours/terms of Argentine Tango

Regardless of experience, in private hours, learning and training is maximally tailored to you! Applications for private hours are open all the time. LOCATIONS-You can arrange your private appointment at Kvaternikov TRG or Ante Kovačića 4 in Zagreb, depending on the availability of the term. You can arrange in your city or space dance hours and programs. Registration and information on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+385 98 950 2738, (or via contact form on the website).

Private or inindividual hours of user membership fee:

-Private 60 min for couple with a pair of maestros, maestra and maestro 60 EUR. 
-Private 90 min for a couple with one maestro/a 50 EUR.

-Private 60 min for one person with a pair of maestros, maestro and maestra 45 EUR.
-Private 90 min for one person with one maestro/a 40 EUR.

-Private 4 x 90 min for couple with a pair of maestros, maestra and maestro 240 EUR.
-Private 4 x 90 min for couple with one maestro/a 160 EUR.

-Private 4 x 90 min for one person with a maestra and maestro 160 EUR.

-Private 4 x 90 min for one person with one maestro/a 130 EUR

We can arrange different combinations of programs just for you.

polu privatni sati argentinskog tanga u Zagrebu sa Jelenom Somogyi🇭🇷Polu privatni termin

4 osobe, termin srijeda 18:00-19:30. Održavanje Kvaternikov trg. Korisnička članarina četiri srijede, 60EUR po osobi. Početak u veljači. 

Prijave i informacije 
Prijave obavezne (nisu potrebne u paru) i dodatne informacije na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +385 98 950 2738 (WhatsApp).  

🇺🇸🇬🇧Semi-private term

4 persons, Wednesday 18:00-19:30. Maintenance of Kvaternik Square. User membership fee four Wednesdays, 60EUR per person. Start in February.

Registration and information 
Registration is required (not required in pairs) and additional information on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +385 98 950 2738 (WhatsApp). 


🇭🇷 Posebno izdanje  Privatna poduka follower sati za dvije osobe.  Ogledalo, baletna prečka, lakirani drveni parket.  Moguća mjesta održavanja su Trg Eugena Kvaternika   ili ulica Ante Kovačića 4.    🇬🇧🇺🇸 Special edition   Private follower classes for two persons.   Mirror, ballet barre, lacquered wooden parquet.  Venues are Eugen Kvaternik Square or Ante Kovačića Street 4.  Instotut argentinskog tanga LiberTango🇭🇷 Posebno izdanje 

Privatna poduka follower sati za dvije osobe. 

Ogledalo, baletna prečka, lakirani drveni parket. 

Moguća mjesta održavanja su Trg Eugena Kvaternika  ili ulica Ante Kovačića 4. 

Private 4 x 90 min for two person 850 HRK.

Prijave i informacije na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+385 98 950 2738, ili putem kontakt obrasca na internetskoj stranici.   


🇬🇧🇺🇸 Special edition  

Private follower classes for two persons.  

Mirror, ballet barre, lacquered wooden parquet. 

Venues are Eugen Kvaternik Square or Ante Kovačića Street 4. 

4 x 90 min for two person 850 HRK.

Registration and information on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+385 98 950 2738, or via contact form on the website.

